Our Process
Our special sauce is secret (our lawyer demands it), but here’s what we can tell you: We start every project by asking three critical questions designed to discover what success looks like, who we want to reach, and what we want them to know, do or think differently.
From there, we bring in the science. Because our team specializes in children, families and education, we know our stuff. We can talk all day to our clients about ADMs, ECE, SEL, the Family First Prevention Services Act, Paid Sick Leave and more…then we can translate all of that complexity into accessible and powerful messaging that works for your audiences.
We know how to strip the jargon when it becomes acronym soup. We know how to reach parents to meet them where they are, and tap into their values with messaging. We cut through the noise to get the right journalists your news. We ensure policy makers have what they need to make the right choices.
And when we’ve completed our projects together, our clients have new skills and tools they can implement every day moving forward.
Looking to dig deeper into our methodology? Visit our methodology page here.