Rebranding Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina

Helping Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina create a full new brand, from naming to a logo to a mission driven look & feel.

Client - Positive Childhood Alliance NC (PCANC)



Many of PCANC’s target audiences were confused about the nonprofit’s work and former name – leading to an opportunity to create a new brand to launch PCANC’s next 45 years of advocacy.



  • A fresh, modern new brand, including: 

    • A name 

    • A logo and look & feel

    • Messaging


The Positive Childhood Alliance NC (PCANC, formerly Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina) team is challenging the status quo for how organizations and advocates support children and families – leading to more positive childhoods across North Carolina.


But the organization faced a big challenge in their work. Many North Carolinians – from partners to policymakers to prospective supporters – were confused about PCANC’s mission and work. For example, the team often received calls from people who thought the nonprofit was the same as Child Protective Services.

That’s how PCANC knew it was time for a big, exciting change: a rebrand! Given our shared values and expertise, Forthright was more than excited to partner with the team.

PCANC knew they wanted their new brand to be happy, show how important partnerships are in their work, and – of course –
focus on kids. We used this as our guiding star during every step of the work.

Through the rebranding process, Forthright worked closely with the PCANC team. During this partnership, we: 

  • Led a robust competitive landscape analysis and research phase, helping establish PCANC’s competitive advantages and inform the branding process. We looked at more than 15 peer organizations during this phase.  

  • Worked together to gather feedback from the staff and board throughout the full rebranding process. This included leading a survey to establish what staff and board members prioritized during the rebranding process, and working with staff/board members to vote on both the name and the logo – ensuring buy-in from the full team. 

  • Delivered seven potential name options to the PCANC team, leading to the final choice: Positive Childhood Alliance NC! 

  • Designed and shared three full logo concepts, leading to a happy, playful final logo! (See part of the logo package below). 

  • Created a full look & feel package, including colors, marks, design inspiration and image ideas, too! 

  • Helped the PCANC team launch the rebrand.

The PCANC team wanted to reassure their long-term supporters they were still working with a trusted, familiar partner. By keeping the acronym – but changing what it stands for – we could maintain a piece of the nonprofit’s history, while refreshing the full brand! See parts of the new brand below.

As a result of our work together, the PCANC team now has a brand that they love – one that conveys their vision of a better future for children and families.

I can’t thank you enough for your partnership in leading Prevent Child Abuse NC through our rebranding! You were truly a delight in every aspect to work with. From being fun and creative to simply being an agency that truly “got us” and our work – we couldn’t have chosen a better agency to guide us through this significant process!

Kris Demers-O'Brien,
PCANC director of Communications and Marketing
