It’s our birthday

The other day on LinkedIn, I saw a quote that was something to the effect of “businesses are only as good as the people in them.” As I reflect on Forthright’s anniversary this year, that rings more true than ever before. 

This past year has been a HUGE one for us. We’ve: 

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It’s been a RIDE. And the people I get to do this with, y’all, I can’t even. 

Our teammates, they are so dang smart. It is a literal joy to work alongside Ashley, Brian, Emily, Jon Jon, Lauren, Michael, Niki, Sharise, Shannon and Zoe each day. They are so caring, wise, hilariously and entirely fearless in the face of some—at times—seemingly insurmountable challenges. There is NOTHING you can toss at this group that we can’t solve together.

Rockstar is not strong enough to describe how talented the Forthright team is. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Blerg, I’m getting all misty, and I haven’t even gotten to our clients. We work with the literal best organizations around. I founded Forthright so we could walk alongside leaders doing the real work on behalf of kids, who share our values and who fight for what is right and just. And holy cannoli, I did it. The work our clients have done this year during a pandemic has been nothing short of literally incredible.

To the nonprofit and philanthropic leaders we serve who are fighting for real, meaningful systemic change for our families, thank you. We need you, your leadership and your good work now, more than ever before. 

To the superintendents and school leaders we have the honor of serving, I have no words. The sleepless nights, the ever-evolving policies, the pivoting on a dime—all while keeping students at the center. Thank you for allowing us to be part of the important work you do. You’re always one of the best parts of my day.

To the organizational leaders creating programs, curricula, mental health services and more for kids across the country—thank you for what you do. Your smart products and services make the lives of kids better, and we love shouting from the rooftops to make sure the world knows about them.

To our government agency partners—you all have actually done the impossible. It’s been the privilege of a lifetime to help you to get our families the support they needed (and continue needing) during a global pandemic. Thank you for trusting us with this work. 

And our partners! We have the best graphic designers, web developers, event planners, videographers and research partners around. We have incredibly high standards for who we choose to work with, and our partners make us shine and increase our capacity to do innovative top-quality work on behalf of kids every day. 

See? That LinkedIn quote was right. At the heart of a successful business is...humans. You, right now, reading this. You (yes, you!) mean so much to me, thank you for being part of this with us. Those of you who have introduced us to great people, who have cheered us on, believed in us—thank you for lifting us up. We continue to do this great work because of YOUR support.

And y’all. Real talk: ya girl is tired. That much growth was not easy. But I’m also SO hopeful. 

My wish is that our next year is not only one of recovery and reflection, but of strength and strategic growth. Of keeping what works, and tossing the rest. Saying no to people and projects that don’t align with our values, and saying HECK YES, whatever it takes, to those who do.

Thanks for being on this journey with me, friend. It takes a village, and I’m so glad you’re part of ours. 

Cheers to another year!