Tears & cheers! A peek at our 5th anniversary team dinner.

Written by katie test davis

I can think of a handful of my birthdays (or my wedding with Dan) when I looked around the room and all of the most meaningful people in my life were in one place.

Last Friday night, in New York City, I was honored to have the professional version of that experience when SO MANY Forthright teammates, both past and present, gathered together to celebrate our agency’s 5th anniversary. 

Here are some photos of the evening, if you’d like to see: 

To the left: Me and Niki, who you all know and love! Can you believe Niki and I have been working alongside each other for SEVEN years now (five of them at Forthright)!? 

To the right: Emily, me, Zoe, Niki, and Monique (our Director of Operations, who is usually behind the scenes!)

Picture on the right: Me, Ashley and Niki.

Picture on the left: Me and my husband, Dan. Every entrepreneur knows that having a supportive spouse makes all the difference! 

Picture: Shouting out Forthright’s newest Manager of Sleeping and Lounging Activities, Hubble the puppy.

As I told our teammates at our party, five years is a challenging amount of time to visualize – it feels both long and short, especially when you’ve lived through a global pandemic in the middle of it. 

So I decided to look back at where we started as an agency to where we’ve evolved today. 

For example, here’s our very first logo compared to our current logo: 

Our first logo was…well…not much. It did have my favorite color, purple, and my favorite font, Proxima Nova, but I think our brand aged quite well. 

Another thing that has evolved is the services we offer. Take a look at what we offered back in 2019 and what we offer now…big differences! 

I’m so proud of everything we’ve achieved as an agency over the past five years. 

Alongside our more than 70 (!) amazing clients, we’ve been able to make big change happen in early childhood, for public school districts, in foster care, for paid leave, and for racial justice and equity. 

I’m so grateful to all of our Forthright teammates – both the ones working with us today and everyone who has been part of Forthright in the past – for everything they’ve done for the agency and our clients. 

And not only that, our amazing clients who have trusted us with your important projects. 

It absolutely takes a village, and I’m so thankful you’re part of mine.

Cheers to the next five years!