Posts tagged nonprofit hiring
Tears & cheers! A peek at our 5th anniversary team dinner.

I can think of a handful of my birthdays (or my wedding with Dan) when I looked around the room and all of the most meaningful people in my life were in one place.

Last Friday night, in New York City, I was honored to have the professional version of that experience when SO MANY Forthright teammates, both past and present, gathered together to celebrate our agency’s 5th anniversary. 

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Feel confident as you manage staff transitions

So, your communications director is leaving. And you’re happy for them – really, you are. (Or not so much. We don’t judge.) But that makes your life just a little harder for the coming weeks, because your most important audiences still need to hear from you while you replace your director. 

This is a common challenge we’re seeing with so many of our nonprofit, foundation and school district partners. (You’re not alone! There’s significant turnover in communications this year.) That’s why we’re sharing our step-by-step recommendations for what to do next. 

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