Posts tagged coalitions
Calling coalitions: 3 steps to advocate effectively

Coalitions have the power to create real, lasting change for children and families. And in times of uncertainty (like – you know – right now), coalitions can be particularly powerful.

But to create successful advocacy campaigns, coalitions need thoughtful, data-backed communications that work for all partners involved. On top of that, coalition leaders must ensure your work together is aligned so audiences can understand your vision and know how to take action and support your efforts.

Fortunately, coordinating your coalition’s communications work is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

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Presenting on preschool suspensions at NBCDI

We’re headed to Charlotte this weekend for the National Black Child Development Institute’s national conference! Forthright’s own Michael Ramsey is joining our partners with the North Carolina Coalition for Inclusion, Not Expulsions at the conference. Michael is presenting alongside Coalition members Dr. Valerie Jarvis McMillan of North Carolina State A&T University, and Dr. Nina Smith of North Carolina Central University. They’re sharing about a topic that affects all of our communities: eliminating racial inequities in suspensions and expulsions in early care and education settings.

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