Your fall reading list

Written by Katie Test Davis

I was talking with a friend the other day about the concept of pandemic languishing - that feeling of emptiness and stagnation that has come with the endless uncertainty we’re all facing. We were on a walk, and she shared that she’s been having trouble focusing

I totally get it. These past few months, I’ve been able to find motivation in a few ways - first, by connecting with my “why” - I’m so passionate about Forthright’s mission and our great partners. Second, and actually most surprisingly, by leaning into my curiosity and learning.

I’ve found myself getting momentum by being a beginner at something, focusing on my professional growth and getting excited about being a learner again. There’s something about new ideas and new tactics that has shaken off a little bit of that languishing funk.

And, I’m apparently not alone in that ability to find energy by diving into something new or putting on my “beginner hat” because when we look at the most popular blogs on the Forthright site, it’s fun to see what you all are interested in.

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So, to get us back in the groove, here’s a fun reading list of the most popular posts for organization leaders like YOU - let them spark your creativity and reconnect you to the work!

  1. Six of Our Favorite Tools for Adding Equity Into Your Communications Planning [Updated March 2021]

    By far our most popular post, we updated this one in the spring to add in more helpful tools for those of you working to center equity in your outreach.

  2. Instantly Improve Your Outreach Through Empathy

    Do you communicate with busy people? Are you reaching out to parents, policymakers, organization leaders and other people on-the-go? This post is for you. I believe we can all center a little more kindness in our communications right now.

  3. Recharging So We Can Reimagine Our World

    You can’t do great work while exhausted. Jon Jon shares his tips for how to take a meaningful break so you can come back to work rested and ready to change our world for the better for kids.

And not only have our blog posts been popular, but you all tell us all the time you are downloading our resources (yay!) and using them in your work daily. Here are the most popular (FREE!) downloads from our website so far this year:

  1. Guide to Reaching Families Without Internet Access

    We prepared this in mid-2020 when our clients were struggling with how to connect to families that have unreliable (or nonexistent) internet access. This document remains our most-downloaded resource, as well as a really relevant guide to help nonprofit and organization leaders connect with families who need to know about their important programs and services.

  2. Writing For Your Community: How To Ensure Your Messaging is Easy to Understand

    We can get so caught up in jargon, acronyms and terms of art - this free resource helps you check your work to ensure that you’re writing simple, clear language that every member of your community can connect with.

  3. Checklist: Pitching Reporters With Success

    Working with reporters can sometimes feel stressful. This worksheet takes the guesswork out of media relations and helps you make sure you have the right reporter and a great pitch. Print it out and keep it by your desk!

I hope these blogs and resources bring you a fresh perspective, new ideas and a refreshed sense of energy, friend!