Two Reasons to Thank Your Donors Today

You know that relative you hear from once a year? For me, it’s a second cousin, Daniel. Like clockwork, he wishes me a Merry Christmas every year...and that’s it.

As a result, I don’t feel close with him—or particularly invested in building our relationship. 

That’s what your most important supporters feel like when you only acknowledge and thank them once a year. As we end the holiday season (don’t judge, I was considering Valentine’s Day in that…) and look to a busy spring, it’s important to remember that building relationships with your supporters and partners is critical year-round. We’re including three tips on how to do so here. 

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The Chronicles of Philanthropy recently compiled a report about how organizations are engaging with supporters during the pandemic—and how supporters are responding. The team found that when an organization reaches out to supporters just to say thank you—without making an ask—supporters feel more connected with the organization, building both future giving (or partnerships!) and their relationship with the nonprofit. For example, one Habitat for Humanity office called donors to simply ask how they were holding up during the pandemic—leading to increased support of the organization.

As you plan your outreach for the rest of the year, consider scheduling thank you calls, postcards or letters (which are highly effective!) and emails throughout the year. 

Recognizing your supporters even once a quarter will both build your relationships AND help you stand out as a nonprofit. 


The Network for Good shares that one of the biggest reasons donors stop giving is because they don’t see your impact—or how their contributions are making a difference. When a supporter shares a donation (or a partner helps you achieve a goal), remember to show them what their partnership means for those you serve. 

When you have a big policy win, or reach an important milestone, reach out to supporters to celebrate! This could be as simple as sending an email explaining what you’ve been able to accomplish, and telling your supporters you couldn’t do it without them. 

And pro tip, use the word “you” throughout your messaging. That simple tactic helps supporters feel both personally appreciated and seen. 

For example, share a message like this: Thanks to YOU, more than 200 students now have the mental health supports they need to thrive. 


What happens after a donor presses submit on their gift? (This is our only tip that’s focused just on your donors, not your partners and supporters, too!) Are you showing them they made the right choice by investing in your cause?

One donor recently shared that he was excited to make a big donation, but all he received was a tax bounceback message after—making him feel like the nonprofit didn’t appreciate his generosity. He said he likely wouldn’t donate to the nonprofit again or help promote it. It’s THAT easy to lose a supporter. 

Simply ensuring donors receive a personalized thank you message (which can be automated!) within 48 hours makes a huge difference. 

Don’t be like my second cousin Daniel. By taking these three important steps, you can ensure that your messaging isn’t lost in the chaos of year-end giving and holiday messaging—and you’re building a strong, long-term relationship with your supporters.