Why clear writing is part of your equity journey 

Easy-to-read messaging is kind. It helps your audiences understand your work and what you want them to know. On the flip side, when a message uses big words, acronyms and jargon, it is – by definition – exclusionary. Today, we’re sharing more about how we recommend approaching your messaging.

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Upcoming training opportunities with Forthright

Is your team stuck in a rut? Need some skills-building? Looking for a laughter-filled get-together centered around learning? Our marketing and communications workshops are jam-packed with helpful how-tos. You and your team will walk away with confidence and the knowledge you need to take (successful) action. Plus, we’ll have fun while we’re doing it! Here’s a (sampling of) what we’re offering this spring and summer… 

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Are your teachers effective spokespeople for your district?

Families in your district know their teachers – they communicate with those teachers – they trust teachers. While as a district leader, you play a truly critical role in helping your district succeed (and frankly, we think you’re awesome for it), you're not always the one parents are engaging with weekly, or even daily.  And THAT, my friends, means you have a huge communications opportunity in front of you. We’re sharing more here.

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What you said: our 2022 client survey results

Each year, as we wrap up before the holidays, we take a moment to send out our annual client survey. As part of our commitment to continual improvement, we ask our clients to reflect on what parts of our work together are going well, and what we could do better. And as always, it’s one of my favorite times of year. Feedback is a gift. I’m always so grateful when our clients take a minute out of their busy days to tell us how our work together is going. Here’s what we heard.

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9 suggestions for respectful storytelling

To us, consent means ensuring that every person we interview feels comfortable, confident and even empowered about sharing throughout the interview process. In other words, consent is so much more than asking for permission to share a story. Gathering consent during interviews is just one of many critical parts of ethical storytelling. We're sharing how we approach the process in this blog.

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Lessons from dating apps

Millions across the US choose to swipe right on, or decidedly say no thank you to, potential partners on dating apps every month. And much like hopeful (or jaded) singles swiping through profiles, your potential supporters, partners and stakeholders often make the decision to learn more about you – or write you off – in mere seconds. I bring this up because thinking about your organization’s brand personality as a dating profile…can actually be a great exercise! We’re including an example here.

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Create an effective billboard for your district

I was driving across North Carolina, headed for a quick weekend getaway in Belhaven, along the Pungo River. It was my favorite kind of drive, through all that my amazing state has to offer – beautiful water views, farm fields and cypress swamps.

But along with the landscape, there were billboards. So many of them.

And I got to thinking about what a great opportunity billboards can be for school district communicators – but only when done purposefully and with best practices in mind. (There are, I have to tell you, some pretty confusing and visually crowded billboards out there…)

Here are a few tips for creating an effective billboard ad for your district.

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Prepare your after-election messaging

As I think about tomorrow’s election, I’m listening to The Final Countdown on repeat. Our campaigns are on their final stretches – and our country’s future is in our voters’ hands now.

No matter what the results are, I know many of us will be making the tough decision of whether to issue statements or responses about the election results. Or not.

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How to create messages that change the world

As experts who focus on messaging, we’re always advising our clients to make strategic choices about the information they share, the comparisons they make, and the words they use. Knowing more about framing can help you win campaigns, change hearts and minds, and move your work forward.

There are typically three framing scenarios that communicators face when leading a campaign. Let’s dive into them.

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Don’t forget Grandpa!

Through her work with school districts and nonprofits, Forthright senior advisor Lauren knows how to reach a variety of audiences. Today, Lauren is sharing how organizations and districts like yours can better include grandparent caregivers in your tactics and build more inclusive communications.

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