Posts in Storytelling
Get the right eyes on your new report

So you have new data, and you want to share that information with the world!

A report release can be a wonderful way to get eyes on your organization. But, take it from me – as someone who LOVES a good, ole’ fashioned report release – they can be a TON of work. 

Before you start putting pen to paper, I want to share a few key questions to ask yourself as you prepare for your own report release. 

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Avoid reacting 24/7 in a new year of noise

Political transitions can feel like drinking from a firehose. Headlines spark fear, social feeds rile people up, and your team looks to leadership wondering: should we say something about this?

Over the next few months, the noise is only going to get louder and louder. 

But here's the thing – you can’t sprint against the wind for months or years at a time. 

And you definitely can't let each bill proposal or sound bite throw your communications strategy out of whack and put your team on the defensive line. 

Here are three tips to prevent your team from living in reaction mode for the next year (or four). 

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How to help overwhelmed parents

Parents and caregivers need our help.  

I’ve led work that supports parents and caregivers for two decades.

I’ve also been a parent for nearly 13 years.

And over time, I’ve noticed a growing trend. Parents and caregivers are overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed – and it’s impacting their health. 

As communicators and leaders, there are three easy guidelines you can follow to ensure your messages break through the noise to reach this overwhelmed (but critical!) audience. 

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Behind the scenes of one of my favorite projects this year

“Close your eyes, and imagine an America where we have gotten childcare right.

The Reimagine Childcare Project has spent the last two years co-creating and building a radical new Vision of childcare. 

It imagines a future where childcare looks and feels abundant. 

One where we make sure every child, parent, guardian, and provider is whole and happy. One where everyone has exactly what they need to become who they are meant to be.”

GAH, doesn’t it just give you goosebumps? 

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Ensure people understand your work

A logic chain is a tool your team can use to align around: 

  1. what you want your audiences to understand about your work;

  2. what you want your audiences to believe as a result of what they understand; and

  3. the specific, concrete action you want your audiences to take. 

Starting with a logic chain when creating a strategic communications plan or before conducting a communications audit ensures your messaging and strategies are laser focused on your end goal. 

Here’s a full visual (and examples!) for how the logic chain works.

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🎧Listen up! 3 podcasts that’ll teach you a comms lesson

Confession: I love podcasts. I’m currently following *34* different podcasts, and I’m always looking for more to add to the list. 

To me, the best podcasts take lots of research and data, add thorough reporting and beautifully crafted storytelling, and deliver episodes that make you think long after you’ve stopped listening. 

Lately, I’ve come across several episodes that showcase communications best practices “in the wild.” They have me thinking about how we can better do the work we all do to support children and families. Today, I’m highlighting those episodes and the comms best practices they feature. 

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Recharge today to reimagine tomorrow

We care for ourselves not only to reap the individual benefits (when I get eight hours of sleep, my skin looks amazing!) but also to show up maximally for the people and causes we care about. Our team can help you communicate your message to anyone – it’s true – but if you don’t listen to you when you need a break, friend, we’re all at a disadvantage. 

To get us ready for a less-stress, greater-good summer, Jon Jon is sharing tips to clock out of the overwhelm, tune in to your body, and maybe even…feel good about it?

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3 tips to write the perfect graduation speech

Should I throw my cap? I don’t want to lose it, so maybe a gentle toss. Which hand do I accept my diploma with? I wonder where we’re going out to dinner after the ceremony?

These were all questions I had during my high school graduation. And with all of this running through my brain, I couldn’t, for the life of me, tell you who my graduation speaker was or what they said. 

So how can you, as a superintendent (or the PIO writing this speech!), use your time at the podium to cut through the noise and make a difference as these graduates embark on the next phase of life? I’m sharing my top 3 tips to help you write a graduation speech that resonates with teens.

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Comms tips for coalitions

Love them or hate them, we can all agree on one thing – coalitions Get. Things. Done. And all high-impact coalitions have at least one factor in common: they effectively communicate with their audiences at all stages of the coalition lifecycle. 

At Forthright, we’ve worked with a number of coalition partners (some that are just starting up, and others that are well established.) We know that bringing the right communications strategy at the right time can help you have even greater impact. That’s why I’m sharing communications tips for every stage of your coalition!

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How to reach families without internet

Reaching families without internet access isn’t a new challenge for communicators. As of last year, one in five households in America were unable to get online at home. 

But in April, millions more families across the country are poised to lose their online access as the Affordable Connectivity Program funding runs out. 

This could make reaching kids and families in your district or community more challenging. So today, I want to take a moment and share what we’ve learned about reaching and supporting offline families.

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Not your grandma’s style guide: Tips to help your team remember the why

Have you ever read or updated your organization’s style guide and paused to think, “Wait, why do we do it this way?” You’re not alone.

After countless communications audits and years of helping organizations discover what they need to say to reach their people, we’re convinced — good rules require great reasons.

Here are three tips to help you create a style guide that shows your team how to communicate and helps them remember why it matters.

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How to write welcoming messaging

As leaders in the child and family advocacy space, the words we use matter. How we talk about families and children matter. When we use language based on assumptions – so, for example, in the case of mom and dad – we are unintentionally prescribing relationships that may not exist for all families in our community. Here’s your guide to inclusive family language.

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2 steps to take *before* you talk to a reporter

Reaching out to the media can be a solid public relations tactic. But, a little tough love here: this approach is not for everyone. Just because you’re doing amazing, life-changing work doesn’t automatically mean that it will gain you a media hit. Before you hit “send” on your email to a journalist, we have two steps you should take in order to get ready to pitch.

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Is an animated or live video better for your org?

Whether you’re watching, selling, teaching or learning, video remains a critical communications tool. As a matter of fact, 92 percent of marketers say video leads to a positive ROI. And your video options are virtually limitless. That’s why today, we’re breaking down two video types – animated and live action – to help you choose which one is right for your next big campaign!

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Upcoming training opportunities with Forthright

Is your team stuck in a rut? Need some skills-building? Looking for a laughter-filled get-together centered around learning? Our marketing and communications workshops are jam-packed with helpful how-tos. You and your team will walk away with confidence and the knowledge you need to take (successful) action. Plus, we’ll have fun while we’re doing it! Here’s a (sampling of) what we’re offering this spring and summer… 

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Are your teachers effective spokespeople for your district?

Families in your district know their teachers – they communicate with those teachers – they trust teachers. While as a district leader, you play a truly critical role in helping your district succeed (and frankly, we think you’re awesome for it), you're not always the one parents are engaging with weekly, or even daily.  And THAT, my friends, means you have a huge communications opportunity in front of you. We’re sharing more here.

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9 suggestions for respectful storytelling

To us, consent means ensuring that every person we interview feels comfortable, confident and even empowered about sharing throughout the interview process. In other words, consent is so much more than asking for permission to share a story. Gathering consent during interviews is just one of many critical parts of ethical storytelling. We're sharing how we approach the process in this blog.

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I’m concerned about the future of PR

As a PR firm founder, it’s my job to watch for macro-trends and patterns across our work. I’m keeping an eye on the big picture and constantly taking a pulse on the audiences (parents, school district administrators, child care providers, etc.) we frequently target through our work.

And honestly? I’m concerned.

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