Posts tagged marketing
How You Can Combat Fake News and Rumors in a Crisis

We don’t have to tell you that families and school staff have a lot going on right now. Searching for information—and wondering what they can trust—just adds to their stress. That's why we’re sharing tips to ensure your audience sees and trusts your messaging.

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Tips for Staying Focused While Communicating in a Crisis

With coronavirus diagnosis and information changing in mere minutes, we’re hearing how hard it is for everyone to keep a clear head and stay focused on best practices. So this week, I figured we could do what I always do when I feel overwhelmed: take it back to basics. Let’s revisit some crisis communications best practices.

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What Do Evergreens Have to do with Marketing?

Evergreen content is a message you can post any time. Its lifespan isn’t tied to an event (or season). If your organization writes stories or articles, this is a great time to re-share those.

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