Posts in Nonprofit Communications
Can we just...not?

We, as the smart, amazing people who work on behalf of families and children, are no longer going to spend our precious time on projects that don’t have a proven return on that time investment.

Instead, we’re going to ruthlessly prioritize, and that begins by deciding what we’re going to say no to.

To make saying no as easy as possible, the Forthright team created a new quiz tool to help nonprofit professionals like you figure out what to take off their list.

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Are you ready for Giving Tuesday and end of year fundraising?

I get it. Whenever I think about Giving Tuesday and the end of year giving season for our clients, I am hit with a mix of anticipation and excitement, topped with a thin layer of dread. As anyone who has ever worked at a nonprofit knows, while everyone else in the world is settling down with mistletoe and turkey, you’re sprinting full speed into one of the busiest times of year. Never fear— we’ve got your back.

Here are a few tips to make your end of year campaign the best one yet.

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There’s still time: 4 steps to help finish your Build Back Better advocacy campaign strong

As we push until the very last moment, now is the time to reuse, repurpose and refresh the things you already know are working—to get even more out of the existing strongest messages, messengers and tactics that can take us across the finish line. Here are four things that you can do in less than 15 minutes to sustain—or build—momentum at the end of an advocacy campaign.

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Our #1 favorite messaging trick...

In many communications initiatives, you just KNOW your target audience is going to find fault with your campaign. They are going to have questions, concerns or downright oppose your work.

Once you explain your vision, they’ll say “what I’m worried about is...” and launch into why they don’t support you. What comes after the “what I’m worried about...” is the concern—in other words, the challenge you need to overcome to gain your opposition’s support.

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Your Fail-Proof Guide to Nonprofit Communication Planning Part Three: Choose effective tactics and track your progress

Since it’s always our goal at Forthright to help make our nonprofit clients’ and partners’ lives easier, we decided to create an actionable guide to nonprofit communication planning. In this three-part series, we’re sharing all of our secrets. We promise you'll walk away eager to plan and ready for success!

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Your Fail-Proof Guide to Nonprofit Communication Planning Part Two: Create Powerful Core Messages

Since it’s always our goal at Forthright to help make our nonprofit clients’ and partners’ lives easier, we decided to create an actionable guide to nonprofit communication planning. In this three-part series, we’re sharing all of our secrets. We promise you'll walk away eager to plan and ready for success!

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Your Fail-Proof Guide to Nonprofit Communication Planning Part One: Jumpstart Your Strategy

Since it’s always our goal at Forthright to help make our nonprofit clients’ and partners’ lives easier, we decided to create an actionable guide to nonprofit communication planning. In this three-part series, we’re sharing all of our secrets. We promise you'll walk away eager to plan and ready for success!

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Our Favorite Rule for Successful Media Relations

If you’ve ever been a Forthright client, you’ve probably heard us say this a million times: “You don’t talk TO the media, you talk THROUGH the media!” While we value journalists for all they do, a simple conversation with an individual reporter rarely accomplishes an organization's end goal. That’s why we’re sharing our favorite rule for successful media relations!

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This Mother’s Day, let’s give moms what they really need

Our moms are not okay. As we head toward our second Mother’s Day during COVID-19, America’s mothers are in crisis. They have been for months. While fathers are taking on some of the caregiving responsibilities, study after study has shown that it’s mothers who are bearing the brunt. The challenges we’re facing aren’t new. But they are exacerbated by the pandemic. And it’s time for change.

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