Posts in School District Marketing
How to write clearly.

The way we process information in a crisis – like, you know, an ongoing pandemic and wartime – is different. Right now, our attention spans are shorter, and we’re more forgetful, too.

This means that to best serve our audiences, we need to focus on delivering information as clearly as possible.

The key to this clarity? Breaking it up!

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3 tips for teacher recruitment

I recently chatted with a central office staff member who was headed to one of her district’s elementary schools…to teach for the day. She shared that in the past year, everyone from the superintendent to school nutrition workers have filled in in the classroom.

As the national teacher shortage rages on, more and more districts are struggling to hire talented team members. As a matter of fact, a recent Gallup poll showed that 61 percent of superintendents strongly agree that recruiting talented teachers is a major challenge.

That’s why today, we’re sharing tips to help your district market your open positions so you can hire the right teachers for your district.

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Can we just...not?

We, as the smart, amazing people who work on behalf of families and children, are no longer going to spend our precious time on projects that don’t have a proven return on that time investment.

Instead, we’re going to ruthlessly prioritize, and that begins by deciding what we’re going to say no to.

To make saying no as easy as possible, the Forthright team created a new quiz tool to help nonprofit professionals like you figure out what to take off their list.

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4 ugly holiday sweaters only education leaders will understand

When we were thinking about what school leaders like you could use for the holidays, the first thing that came to mind was a big belly laugh.

You’ve endured a doozy during the past two years, and beyond napping, endless hot chocolate and a break from scrolling Twitter, we figured you could use a little bit of lolz.

And what’s sillier than ugly holiday sweaters?

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Our #1 favorite messaging trick...

In many communications initiatives, you just KNOW your target audience is going to find fault with your campaign. They are going to have questions, concerns or downright oppose your work.

Once you explain your vision, they’ll say “what I’m worried about is...” and launch into why they don’t support you. What comes after the “what I’m worried about...” is the concern—in other words, the challenge you need to overcome to gain your opposition’s support.

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Our Favorite Rule for Successful Media Relations

If you’ve ever been a Forthright client, you’ve probably heard us say this a million times: “You don’t talk TO the media, you talk THROUGH the media!” While we value journalists for all they do, a simple conversation with an individual reporter rarely accomplishes an organization's end goal. That’s why we’re sharing our favorite rule for successful media relations!

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