Posts tagged crisis communications
How to message $ cuts with clarity

You’ve heard the news. We all have.

“There are major cuts coming to nonprofit funding.” 

“Funding is being stripped from federal grants.” 

“School districts face funding cuts.” 

That leads you to the following question: What should you do when you need to talk about funding cuts…even while the news is still unfolding?

As a leader, your role as a communicator is really critical right now.  

The heaviness is real. Freezing or waffling could create panic or more confusion.

That’s why today, we are offering three tips to help you communicate clearly about funding cuts.

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3 tips for communicating tough topics

When talking about big issues that aren’t disappearing anytime soon, relying on sentimental language, grim details, or an instinctually emotional reaction from audiences can actually do more harm than good. Here are three things to think about when communicating about tough topics.

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Why No One is Listening

We’ve heard from many of you that you’re struggling to break through the noise and that your audiences “just aren’t getting it.” You’re not alone. Right now, our brains are busy juggling uncertainty, stress and anxiety. That’s why we’re sharing two tips to help you reach your audiences.

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73 Percent of Americans Prefer THIS Communications Tactic

A recent Chronicles of Philanthropy report shared that your supporters and families want to hear from you during this pandemic. We’re sharing one of the best ways to communicate with them—and as always, we’re sharing the data behind our specific recommendations.

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