Ensure people understand your work

A logic chain is a tool your team can use to align around: 

  1. what you want your audiences to understand about your work;

  2. what you want your audiences to believe as a result of what they understand; and

  3. the specific, concrete action you want your audiences to take. 

Starting with a logic chain when creating a strategic communications plan or before conducting a communications audit ensures your messaging and strategies are laser focused on your end goal. 

Here’s a full visual (and examples!) for how the logic chain works.

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Create a tactics plan that actually delivers 📦

Getting to the tactics phase of your communications campaign is exciting – you’ve selected your audiences, your messaging is on point and you're ready to put all that hard work out into the world and make change happen. *It's showtime!* 

Of course, you need to make sure that those tactics go to work for you, and that means narrowing in on the biggest bang-for-your-buck activities that you can truly deliver.

And, as very busy leaders and advocates, you’re looking for reliable, simple, valuable, tried and true, foolproof options… you want the "easy button" plan

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How big should your comms team be?

Here’s a conversation I’ve had many times throughout my career: 

🙋Executive director: How big should my communications team be?

🤔Me: Well… that depends. How much of your mission relies on convincing people to take action?

We’ve seen it all: 10+ person communications teams, and one part-time person communications teams. A one-person shop could be perfect for some organizations, while others need the full comms squad. Here are the key points to consider as you decide how to invest in YOUR headcount.

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How to have happy district parents

Working parents are burned out

They are can’t concentrate, take it one day at a time, can barely make butter pasta for dinner kind of tired.

You know the feeling. 

That means it’s up to us as communicators to ensure we’re meeting burnt out parents where they are. We’re including three tips for how to do so as you return back to school! 

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Get people to do what you want them to do

 In 2017, Stanford Social Innovation Review begged nonprofit leaders to “stop raising awareness already.” 

They wanted action. They wanted change. They wanted advocates to take their work to the next level. 

I think we can all agree that right now – in this chaotic year of 2024 – moving our audiences to take action is more critical than ever. No matter what your campaign, your call to action (CTA) needs to be powerful, or it won’t work.  

That’s why we’re sharing quick tips (backed by data from Harvard and Stanford experts) on how to craft a strong CTA.

Bonus: we’re including do’s, don’ts and examples for every recommendation! 

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How I prevent burnout at Forthright

I really like being a company founder and CEO. But my CEO position isn’t the most important thing about me. Instead, my most important roles are friend, daughter, wife, volunteer, potter and neighbor. 

I love what I do all day for work – but the person I am outside of work is much more important to me. And that’s exactly the way it should be. 

In fact, the time I spend outside of work caring for myself, my communities and my family makes me a BETTER CEO and a more effective communicator. 

So when I started Forthright five years ago, I made a commitment to myself that my roles outside of work would be honored as important, if not more important, than my roles AT work. That’s what sparked our policy of charging more for work we perform outside of our business hours. 

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Tears & cheers! A peek at our 5th anniversary team dinner.

I can think of a handful of my birthdays (or my wedding with Dan) when I looked around the room and all of the most meaningful people in my life were in one place.

Last Friday night, in New York City, I was honored to have the professional version of that experience when SO MANY Forthright teammates, both past and present, gathered together to celebrate our agency’s 5th anniversary. 

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🎧Listen up! 3 podcasts that’ll teach you a comms lesson

Confession: I love podcasts. I’m currently following *34* different podcasts, and I’m always looking for more to add to the list. 

To me, the best podcasts take lots of research and data, add thorough reporting and beautifully crafted storytelling, and deliver episodes that make you think long after you’ve stopped listening. 

Lately, I’ve come across several episodes that showcase communications best practices “in the wild.” They have me thinking about how we can better do the work we all do to support children and families. Today, I’m highlighting those episodes and the comms best practices they feature. 

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Recharge today to reimagine tomorrow

We care for ourselves not only to reap the individual benefits (when I get eight hours of sleep, my skin looks amazing!) but also to show up maximally for the people and causes we care about. Our team can help you communicate your message to anyone – it’s true – but if you don’t listen to you when you need a break, friend, we’re all at a disadvantage. 

To get us ready for a less-stress, greater-good summer, Jon Jon is sharing tips to clock out of the overwhelm, tune in to your body, and maybe even…feel good about it?

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Feel confident as you manage staff transitions

So, your communications director is leaving. And you’re happy for them – really, you are. (Or not so much. We don’t judge.) But that makes your life just a little harder for the coming weeks, because your most important audiences still need to hear from you while you replace your director. 

This is a common challenge we’re seeing with so many of our nonprofit, foundation and school district partners. (You’re not alone! There’s significant turnover in communications this year.) That’s why we’re sharing our step-by-step recommendations for what to do next. 

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Fresh polling data for you to use in your work

We know election years are a great time to recalibrate your communications strategy. Why? Because election years mean lots of research and media organizations are gathering extra juicy data about how people are thinking and feeling. 

You can use all this fresh polling data to guide your work!

We’ve pulled the latest and greatest data about how Americans are feeling and what they care about, and today, we’re going to share three of our key findings and takeaways with you. 

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Where to post PR job openings

One of the questions I get asked frequently is “where should I post my open communication and PR role?”

So I sat down and made a round-up list of some of our favorites. 

Plus, we’ve included other paid and free options that we’ve either a) heard good things about or b) our clients have had good first-hand success with.

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Create new community relationships

To succeed in communications, your audience must be at the center of everything you do! But getting in front of your target audience isn’t always that easy. That’s why as part of your campaign or announcement, you need to reach not just your audience, but the people who influence your target audience. That’s where making community connections comes into play.

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Part 2: How to reach your board

This is the second part of a two-part series on communicating with your board members. In part one, we looked at the characteristics of a typical board member, and provided tips on how you can give thorough updates to your board. 

This week, we’re diving into when and how to send updates. We make recommendations for cadence, as well as how to root your updates in your nonprofit’s mission.

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Part 1: Tips for keeping your board in the loop

As a nonprofit leader, you know just how important communicating with your board members is. Board member awareness, buy-in, input and collaboration…well…it all matters.

Boards may play many different roles depending on your organization, but they share one important characteristic: they’re essential partners in your organization’s success. 

That’s why we created a series of tips for communicating with your board. For this first installment of our two-part series, let’s start by understanding board member capacity for information, and how to create a great board update.

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3 tips to write the perfect graduation speech

Should I throw my cap? I don’t want to lose it, so maybe a gentle toss. Which hand do I accept my diploma with? I wonder where we’re going out to dinner after the ceremony?

These were all questions I had during my high school graduation. And with all of this running through my brain, I couldn’t, for the life of me, tell you who my graduation speaker was or what they said. 

So how can you, as a superintendent (or the PIO writing this speech!), use your time at the podium to cut through the noise and make a difference as these graduates embark on the next phase of life? I’m sharing my top 3 tips to help you write a graduation speech that resonates with teens.

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Comms tips for coalitions

Love them or hate them, we can all agree on one thing – coalitions Get. Things. Done. And all high-impact coalitions have at least one factor in common: they effectively communicate with their audiences at all stages of the coalition lifecycle. 

At Forthright, we’ve worked with a number of coalition partners (some that are just starting up, and others that are well established.) We know that bringing the right communications strategy at the right time can help you have even greater impact. That’s why I’m sharing communications tips for every stage of your coalition!

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How to reach families without internet

Reaching families without internet access isn’t a new challenge for communicators. As of last year, one in five households in America were unable to get online at home. 

But in April, millions more families across the country are poised to lose their online access as the Affordable Connectivity Program funding runs out. 

This could make reaching kids and families in your district or community more challenging. So today, I want to take a moment and share what we’ve learned about reaching and supporting offline families.

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Why you should print your Annual Report

Nothing makes my stationary-loving self happier than getting to exclaim to you: PRINT IS BACK, BABY.

For nearly a decade, foundations and nonprofits have scaled back on their print projects. We saw online annual reports become more and more popular, Paperless Post took over for event invitations and trifold brochures morphed into digital Flipsnacks.

But our collective digital fatigue is showing, and I, personally, could not be more thrilled.

We’re sharing why you should print your annual report, what trends to pay attention to, and bring you some of our recent examples.

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