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Free Worksheet Download Speak Out or Step Back: Your Checklist for Responding to Breaking News

How to message $ cuts with clarity

You’ve heard the news. We all have.

“There are major cuts coming to nonprofit funding.” 

“Funding is being stripped from federal grants.” 

“School districts face funding cuts.” 

That leads you to the following question: What should you do when you need to talk about funding cuts…even while the news is still unfolding?

As a leader, your role as a communicator is really critical right now.  

The heaviness is real. Freezing or waffling could create panic or more confusion.

That’s why today, we are offering three tips to help you communicate clearly about funding cuts.

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Hot off the press: 2025 Client survey results

This year, we updated our client survey to make sure we’re getting even more feedback

That meant seeking out tough love – the good, the bad, the ugly – from our partners. 

As always, we wanted to dig in on the places where there’s room for improvement and to celebrate the areas where we’ve made progress or continue to serve our clients exceptionally well. 

Here’s what that looked like:

  • More constructive feedback to use for firm-wide and individual improvement 

  • Refreshed questionnaire

  • 1:1 interviews as follow-ups 

All of that was super successful, and here’s a roundup of what we heard: 

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Get the right eyes on your new report

So you have new data, and you want to share that information with the world!

A report release can be a wonderful way to get eyes on your organization. But, take it from me – as someone who LOVES a good, ole’ fashioned report release – they can be a TON of work. 

Before you start putting pen to paper, I want to share a few key questions to ask yourself as you prepare for your own report release. 

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5 web basics to know before designing a website

You’ve used a bad website before. 

It takes forever to load. You can’t find what you’re looking for. The text blurs as you try to read it. 

You can avoid these mistakes by going back to the basics of web design. Whether you’re revamping your decade-old website or starting from scratch, ask yourself these five questions: 

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4 simple ways to make your communications more accessible

Making your content accessible to people with hearing or visual impairments has never been easier, especially if you think about accessibility at the beginning of a project. Here are four things to start doing today! Bonus: they don’t cost you a penny.

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Avoid reacting 24/7 in a new year of noise

Political transitions can feel like drinking from a firehose. Headlines spark fear, social feeds rile people up, and your team looks to leadership wondering: should we say something about this?

Over the next few months, the noise is only going to get louder and louder. 

But here's the thing – you can’t sprint against the wind for months or years at a time. 

And you definitely can't let each bill proposal or sound bite throw your communications strategy out of whack and put your team on the defensive line. 

Here are three tips to prevent your team from living in reaction mode for the next year (or four). 

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Hire the best person for your role

Many of you are gearing up to make a communications hire in 2025. We’re so excited for all the growth to come! 

But in the meantime, hiring and onboarding can be tough. Finding the right fit happens on a lot of different levels. Values. Skills. Culture. Approach. We have a ton of tips in our new (free) hiring guide PDF to help you do this right.

Today, let’s break down how to find the right human for your open communications role.

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How to set up "media alerts"

We’re a few days into 2025, and the news…well, it’s already news-ing. And if I had to guess, you need an easy way to keep up with all of it! 

That’s why we’re sharing our recommendations for the best media monitoring tools to use, along with a step-by-step guide for getting started. 

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Your work is important.

As child and family advocates, I understand what we’re up against in 2025 (and beyond) and… I’m feeling energized.

The challenges ahead of us are communications challenges, and at Forthright, we’re poised to meet the moment. 

Here’s what I see as the work ahead: 

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How to help overwhelmed parents

Parents and caregivers need our help.  

I’ve led work that supports parents and caregivers for two decades.

I’ve also been a parent for nearly 13 years.

And over time, I’ve noticed a growing trend. Parents and caregivers are overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed – and it’s impacting their health. 

As communicators and leaders, there are three easy guidelines you can follow to ensure your messages break through the noise to reach this overwhelmed (but critical!) audience. 

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Onboard your new hire with ease

So you just hired your new communications director (or other communications teammate, we aren’t picky about titles here at Forthright). First, congratulations! I’m so excited you found a great person for your organization.

Now, let’s set them up for success. Onboarding is just as critical as selecting the right human. 

Studies show that solid onboarding is worth its weight in gold. Research shows that effective onboarding can improve employee retention and productivity by 52 percent and 60 percent, respectively. 

Here are the ingredients of an effective onboarding. 

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Keep your momentum

Are you finding yourself more easily distracted since the election? Feeling a tad foggier? Not retaining much information? Perhaps a tad more irritable? 

Check, check, check and check on my end. 

If you’re distracted, and we’re distracted, then your audiences are ALSO distracted. 

Yet, if you’re like a few of our clients, the work can’t stop now. If you have urgent information to release, or outreach to do, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

Here are three communications best practices from our teammates that are more important than EVER as we communicate during times of upheaval, uncertainty and crisis. 

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What to do now after the election results

At Forthright, we condemn white supremacy, xenophobia, and all forms of hate and oppression. Alongside our clients and partners, we stand firmly committed to the fights for justice, equality and a sustainable future. 

While it may be tempting to succumb to panic and emotional language given the very real challenges we’re up against, we want to invite you to take a deep breath and remember what you know – and be honest about what you don’t. 

After these election results, it’s up to us to advocate even smarter and harder for and with those we serve. We’re not giving up. And I know you’re not giving up, either. 

Here’s where to start. 

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Reach *all* parents in your community

Just Google it. I’ll send you the link. Sign up online. 

These days, we assume everyone has internet access at home. But here’s the thing. That’s still not the case. 2024 Pew Research Center data tells us about a fifth of homes in America still don’t have broadband access. 

We’re including tips to reach these families – while celebrating your district – below. 

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Behind the scenes of one of my favorite projects this year

“Close your eyes, and imagine an America where we have gotten childcare right.

The Reimagine Childcare Project has spent the last two years co-creating and building a radical new Vision of childcare. 

It imagines a future where childcare looks and feels abundant. 

One where we make sure every child, parent, guardian, and provider is whole and happy. One where everyone has exactly what they need to become who they are meant to be.”

GAH, doesn’t it just give you goosebumps? 

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Hire for comms roles with ease

“What are the best interview questions to ask a candidate for your open communications director position?” 

“How do you manage a communications workload when you’ve got someone out on parental leave?” 

Who do you tell once a communications teammate gives you notice that she’s leaving your organization for a new job?” 

We answer all these questions and more in our new FREE guide to hiring communicators. 

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How to give "an exclusive" to a reporter

Today, we’re tackling one of the most elusive and confusing parts of media relations: the exclusive. 

Simply put, an exclusive is when you offer a story to one single reporter, and promise that you won’t share the story with anyone else until after your chosen reporter shares the news first.

Let’s break that down. 

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Your easy button for new parent communication

Schools have opened their doors for another school year. As a communications professional, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the information sent from our new elementary school. I know exactly when school starts. We’ve gotten our school supplies list and know our teacher assignments and class schedules. 

Yet, as a parent of a kindergartner and a first grader in a new school district, I still have so many questions! For example: What types of opportunities for free play are built into the day? How much screen time are kids actually getting each day? What if my kid falls asleep on the floor because she’s 5 and sometimes just needs a nap?

As a school leader, it’s important to realize that kindergarten parents and new parents are a rare breed. This audience doesn’t have the experience or insights that your returning families bring to a new school year. Everything is new for them, and your communications efforts must reflect that – not just during this back-to-school season, but throughout the year. 

By helping families understand what their child’s day looks like during school, they become more confident and comfortable with their decision to share their children with you and your staff. 

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Connect with your community by knowing your history

As communicators, it’s our job to deeply understand what came before us. For example, knowing about child care’s roots in chattel slavery can help you communicate effectively about workforce challenges. Knowing the history of de- (and recent re-) segregation can help public school communicators better connect around school closures and redistricting. 

Great communicators are history experts and are constantly absorbing news and context. We're sharing tips about when and how to think about history here.

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